Saint Patrick’s Anglican Church was completed on Saturday, March 16, 2024. It was Consecrated by Abp. Rick Aaron Reid, on March 17, during the Feast of its Patron Saint, Patrick, which was also Passion Sunday. The Congregation and Clergy are beloved among homesteaders, Christian families of all ages and cultures, and hard-working businesspeople throughout its jurisdiction. It is chartered as the Diocese of the Northeastern United States, through Traditional Anglican Church of America (TACA), and is a 501(c) church that is registered in the State of Pennsylvania. Its Rector, the Rev. Canon Mike DellaVecchia and Deaconess Lisa, the Rector’s wife, were respectively ordained and appointed in the Archdiocese in Newton, North Carolina. From Saint Pat’s, they operate a food pantry, instruction for seminarians and Bible learners, and run a small publishing company for TACA. Saint Pat’s is also an off-the-grid structure.